Supporting New Mexican farms since 1994!

Our Story
New Mexico Harvest is the continued evolution of a fundamental element of society: a safe and sustainable local food system. As a CSA, we have connected the farmers to the community since 1994. In early 2020, we grew our farmer network to encompass the entire state of New Mexico and changed our name from Beneficial Farms CSA to New Mexico Harvest.
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) may be a term you have heard, but the idea behind it is as old as it gets. In exchange for raising food to feed a community, the community supports the farmer, no matter what. Stewarding the land and bringing forth food in harmony with nature is such a fragile relationship and yet it is crucial for survival.
Our business is a dedication of people to their community, of our families to our land and our lives to our food. Your farmers are dedicated to growing the purest, most nourishing crops this land can provide. Your New Mexico Harvest team is dedicated to connecting their food to you and helping you enjoy it.
In early 2021 we became one of the first food hubs in the country to become a certified Harmonized GAP+ Food Hub. We adhere to the highest standards of food safety and take extreme care in making sure you receive the freshest local food possible.
We are an approved supplier for locally grown food to schools, senior centers, early childhood development centers, and food banks around the state. Our goal is to bring as much local food to communities around the state as possible. If you have NM Grown funding, please reach out! We would love to work with you and give you the state's largest access to local NM grown food!
New Mexico Harvest is one of the largest direct-to-consumer local food suppliers in New Mexico. Throughout the year we partner with nearly 80 different farms, ranchers, cheese makers, bakers, etc. We work with farms to develop safe growing practices and find larger markets for their harvests. We offer a ton of benefits for our farmer network, including larger sales to institutions, marketing/design/branding consulting, affordable (below market price) marketing collateral production, fair pricing for produce based on what the farmer needs, free produce pickup at the farm, and much more. To join our farmer family, CLICK HERE.

The benefits of local food systems are far more than just the access of food grown closer to home.

Consumer Benefits:
Food reaches their kitchens more quickly after harvest
Clear understanding of who and where the food was grown/processed.
Appreciation for eating quality, seasonal food
Farmer Benefits:
Personal relationships with local residents and regional purchasers
Easily identify new crops to meet consumer needs
Less prohibitive for new farmers to enter market
Community Benefits:
Supporting local food systems means supporting local economies
Buying locally produced food means food dollars stay in the community instead of flowing out to other states and countries
Supports local business developments
Builds community social structure by supporting the development of new personal relationships between farmers and their customers and new business relationships between farmers, grocery stores, and restaurants.
Food unites our communities in so many beautiful ways that encourage and support collaboration and innovation across the industries.