Supporting New Mexican farms since 1994!

Everything we offer members comes from nearly 80 farms and producers from all around New MExico. Why don't we sell cheap food from California or Mexico? Because it does not support New Mexico's Local food system (and, our food tastes way better)!

We are always looking for more farms to join our Harvest Family.
Member Farm Benefits
New Mexico Harvest works with small and medium sized family farms around New Mexico. We only work with farms that grow their food in New Mexico.
Our staff works with you to grow your sales through our large CSA membership base, School Districts, Senior Centers, Early Childhood Development Centers, Hospitals, Restaurants, Hotels, Grocery Stores, Speciality Shops, Spas, other Food Hubs, and more.
We sponsor member farms to get their Tier 1 & 2 Food Safety Certification through NMFMA. If you do not have this certification or NMDA PSA training, we cannot sell your produce through our wholesale channels. We highly recommend all farms get their Tier 1 & 2 Food Safety Certification. NMH is a Harmonized GAP+ Food Safe Food Hub and we will work with you to develop a risk assestment plan and maintain our food safety standards.
Our team will offer you technical assistance and crop production planning. We will help you develop strong pricing and sales techniques.
We help farms with marketing, branding, and design.
At no cost to the farm, we work with you to help develop:
Branding Messaging
Marketing Collateral Design
Basic Website Design
For below market cost, we help farms with:
Professional Printing
Event Tents
Hang Tags
Website Domain, Hosting, & Platform Costs
We always give credit where credit is due. If we create a value added product using your produce, we showcase you on labels and any marketing collateral we create for that product. Every customer, CSA or Wholesale, will know where their food came from. We want to tell everyone about you and your farm!
If you have any questions, please reach out to us!
Text or call 505-585-5127 or email us at